Exploration of hydrocarbons

Geological exploration work in
the West Kazakhstan region

Creative competition among the children of the Company's employees on the topic "Road safety"

Creative competition among the children of the Company's employees on the topic "Road safety"

  In accordance with the Action Plan for Industrial safety, Labor Protection and the Environment, the KazMunayGas NC JSC group of companies held a creative competition among the children of employees of Ural Oil and Gas LLP on the topic "Road safety".

The purpose of the competition is to promote knowledge on road safety among older and preschool children, and to foster a safety culture.

The competition was attended by children of two age categories: 1) from 5 to 12 years old; 2) from 13 to 16 years old.

Throughout the competition, children filmed and sent videos with their participation in accordance with the theme of the competition.

Among the participating videos, the best 5 were selected, in each of the age categories.

The winners of the competition were awarded diplomas and gifts. The rest of the participants of the competition were not ignored, they were awarded with incentive prizes.

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