Exploration of hydrocarbons

Geological exploration work in
the West Kazakhstan region

World Environment Day

World Environment Day

On June 5, 2021 - World Environment Day - the WKO Ecology Department together with the WKO Akimat organized a municipal volunteer clean-up in Uralsk. Various institutions and organizations responded to the call, and the Ural Oil and Gas LLP team was among the active teams that gathered for the clean-up. An area near the Telecenter outside the Kirov’s Park was chosen for cleaning. Despite the rain the day before, the weather was warm and the sun warmed up the damp soil in some places, as if to support the good intentions of a "clean" initiative. Saturday morning, people gathered at the collection point. Finally, the exact location of the cleanup was determined, and the volunteers began collecting trash into trash bags. The descending snow exposed all the debris that was invisible under the snow in winter. Plastic bottles, cellophane bags, plastic parts, building materials, and more were collected. Some of them even found old car tires and a plastic gasoline tank. After collecting in bags, the men took the bags and large debris to a garbage collection site near the road. A lot of trash was collected and our Uralsk, though not much, but cleaner. Let's work together to protect nature, because we want it to continue to be enjoyed not only by our children, but also by future generations.

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